Meet Carol

“If it wasn't for CMC, I would probably be dead by now, because I’ve been through alot.”
Carol is from Lugoff and is a long-time patient of the Community Medical Clinic. She credits all the nurse practitioners at CMC for helping her navigate a cancer diagnosis, surgery and diabetes. “They are willing to help you, and if they can’t help you, they will go the extra mile to find someone who can help you,” she said.
When there was no way for her to reach her health goals alone, CMC was there to help.
Carol has been a CMC patient for a long time. She is one of more than 800 patients who come through the doors of the clinic every year. She's also a cancer survivor who attributes her health and well-being to the Community Medical Clinic's work.
Please take two minutes to hear Carol's story. Because of support from folks like you, she is able to have access to the life-saving medical care she needs.